Sunday 23 September 2012

Back from our travels

Hello all I am back from our holiday, we had a fantastic time the weather was good it didn't rain during the day apart from Friday, we were going to go to Doncaster wildlife Zoo but it was too wet.

We found loads of craft shops all around Yorkshire it was great, I was so spoilt I've never seen so many and I went into everyone.

We were also taken out with our Step-Mum's Brother and Sister-in-law Monica and David, Monica makes cards too, we went for miles to all fantastic craft places, we went to the Kanban shop wow it was amazing, we went to Shipton and that was like a Aladdin's cave.

We did go sight seeing too we saw the Minster at York it was an amazing place, the lovely countryside in Yorkshire is beautiful.

I have now come down to earth with a bang, we only have 1 craft shop on the Island, so you can see why I was so excited to find all those fab crafty places on holiday.

Anyway enough of my rabble here is a card I made before we went away so I thought I would share it with you. It's from the Morehead Cd rom from Crafters Companion.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, it's poring with rain here and it's very windy too.

Thank you for stopping by.

Hugs Julie x


  1. Hi Julie, Glad you had a lovely holiday. Gorgeous card ... such a pretty colour combo :-)

    Lisa x

  2. Hello Julie. Oh wow, it sounds like you had a fab time, especially visiting all the lovely craftshops.
    Your card is just fantastic, and I absolutely love that colour, just gorgeous.
    Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xxx

  3. This is gorgeous,love the image...fabulous

  4. So pleased you had a good time and the weather was good for you apart from the rain that night, York is an amzing place l have stayed there and great that you came across so many craft shops bet it wasn't window shopping though!! hopefully if you did buy which l'm sure you did you will show us your great creations like this one its simply gorgeous!! x

  5. I glad you had a good holiday Julie and that the weather was kind to you!
    Your card is gorgeous, I love the cute image and pretty detailing


  6. Sounds like you had a great time Julie, your card is gorgeous I like the sweet image the colours and the bow.
    Kevin xx

  7. This is gorgeous Julie,the image is so sweet! Love the off kilter image frame and the lilac colours! Wonderful card and so glad you had such a fab holiday, welcome back:O)

  8. Glad you had a great break Julie. Your card is just gorgeous, lilac is one of my favourite colours! I have wanted to go to the Kanban shop for ages I even sent my DH the link on how to get there - hint hint! Hugs Susan x

  9. Well it sounds like my sort of holiday, love Yorkshire and all those craft shops sound great. Gorgeous card too.

  10. so glad Julie you had a super time... whoop, whoop craft shops also perfect holiday I say!!! What a gorgeous card, love the design & colours.. Gorgeous image... Hugs May x x x

  11. Well Julie it sounds as though you had a crafter's heaven sort of holiday. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
    Lovely card too!

    Edna x

  12. Aww! Julie, what a gorgeous card, I love the very beautiful design and scrummy details. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday hun.

    Donna x

  13. That image couldn't be showcased more beautifully!! Love what you've created here. :)
    Thank you so much for taking the time to link up your talent and creative ideas with us at Make It Monday!
    Happy Crafting...
    Lisa xx
