Monday 17 September 2012

Anything But A Card At Lexis Creations

Morning all hope you have had a lovely weekend, I am on holiday in Yorkshire this week we arrived on Saturday, apologies if I don't get to your blogs straight away, I will catch up with you all as quick as possible.

This week at Lexis Creations is anything but a card, I have made a Bottle bag and a gift box from Bobbin the Bear  Christmas Cd , from Debbie Moore.

I am looking forward to visiting all your blogs to see what you have created, why not visit my fellow teamies for more inspiration. This week we are sponsored by Fairy Dust Crafts where you could win 5 digi images of your choice.

The Challenges I would like to enter my creations into are:-
Make It Monday - Anything Goes.
Dream Valley Challenges - Celebrations.
Thank you for stopping by.

Hugs Julie xxx


  1. Hiya Julie, saw you over on mim and had to come take a closer peek, this is a gorgeous creation, love the soft colours and gorgeous image. Joey xx

  2. Hello Julie. How beautiful are these, two fabulous creations as always. Stunning but delicate colours, just perfect my friend.
    Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xxx

  3. Fabulous project Julie, love the cute little Bear, gorgeous colours.

    Thanks for sharing with us at ‘Make it Monday’
    Luv CHRISSYxx

    Remember, to be in the running to win the prize from our sponsor this week just leave a comment for another entry. Be sure to mention you saw them on Make It Monday. The more entries you comment on the more chances you have of winning!

  4. These are gorgeous. I love the cute image and the colours are so beautiful

    Hugs Sue

  5. Very sweet gift set! I saw you on MIM - My entry is #32 if you'd like to check it out :)

    Also, I invite you to join me at the Anything Goes challenge here:

    Lots of joy,

  6. Hi Julie, This really is cute! Such a cute bear and fab designs x
    Wendy x

  7. Two very delightful and beautiful creations Julie. The image is adorable and I love the papers and the beautiful large flowers! Wonderful work!

  8. Beautiful matching set Julie,I like the sweet image the papers and the flowers
    Kevin xx

  9. Absolutely beautiful Julie, lovely colours layout and images the gift bag is a stunning x

  10. Beautiful card and Bag Julie. I spotted this on Make-it-Monday..Loz

  11. Hi Julie I do love Bobbin!!! I don't have the Christmas cd I have the Birthday/celebration cd! Hope you & Rob having a good time in Yorkshire!
    I have booked our tickets for the NEC! Excited all ready!! L xx

  12. Fantastic makes Julie! Gorgeous do blue so well! Hope you're keeping well!
    hugs Jo x

  13. Hello. I saw Your Beautiful card and Bag on MIM..faye

  14. Two amazing creations, I love the colours you have used and that cute bear is gorgeous, lovely colouring of the image.
    Thanks for your hard work on the design team at LC's.
    Love and hugs
    Susan xxx

  15. Hi Julie these are gorgeous what a clever idea. Hope you have a lovely week hugs Susan x

  16. I found you on MIM and I love both. You have done a wonderful job coloring the fab images

  17. Very pretty! I love the colours you used and the adorable image. I found you at Make It Monday.

  18. Great projects! Caught my eye on MIM. Thanks, for sharing!

  19. These are so cute. Hope you are having a lovely holiday.

  20. Two beautiful projects Julie. Bobbin is such a cutie, he looks fabs on these lovely gift wrappings.

    Lin xx

  21. what a beautiful set ,love the pretty colours
    thanks for joining us at MIM and good luck
    tracey x

  22. Lovely ideas Julie - hope you are enjoying your holiday, good you have time for crafting! Thanks for heads up about Spectrum Noir Accredited Colourist.
    Elaine x

  23. These are so sweet Julie. And I just discovered you on Twitter. You can find me under @heike_cards.
    Hugs, Heike xx

  24. Absolutely gorgeous, I love the beautiful shade of blue and the bears are so beautiful
    Lindsay xx

  25. Oh, I love snow! This time of year I am ready to be done with the high temps and look forward to waking up to white snow covered roof tops. Saw your card and bag on MIM. Kim

  26. I love them. They are just so lovely. I hope your having a nice holiday.
    Gemma xx
