Monday 2 November 2015

Thank You

Morning all hope you had a lovely weekend, it's been lovely here, we put the Tortoises to sleep yesterday afternoon for the winter, I am always pleased when they come round in spring and they have made it through the cold weather.
They are my shell babies I have had them for 21 years.

Today a new challenge starts at Crafty Cardmakers and More, I am the hostess for this challenge, I would like to see all your Thank You creations.

For my card I have used silver textured mirri  card for matting and layering, linen white card, Butterfly corner embossing folder from Butterfly Lullaby Sara's signature collection, It's a shame as this photo doesn't pick up the embossing very well as it absolutely a gorgeous folder and the circle 3D  Butterfly die, I have also used the Die'sire Edge'ables Thank you so much die.

The Challenges I would like to enter my card into are:-

Crafty Girls Creations - Anything Goes.
Cute Card Thursday - Sparkles.
Crafting With Friends - Always Anything Goes.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by.


  1. This is such a lovely design Julie, gorgeous, I love it!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  2. Hi Julie this is quite simply a beautiful creation I love the top of the card die you have used also the embossing it looks very elegant.
    lorraine x

  3. A beautiful card Julie, such an elegant design.

  4. A very beautiful card Julie, love the design. Hope the tortoises have a lovely sleep.

    Donna x

  5. This is gorgeous Julie. Love the design.

  6. Love your CAS card. Very elegant and classy. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  7. A very elegant CAS card Julie, lovely design
    Kevin xx

  8. Hi Julie thank you for being so kind on my 'apology' posting I have found that it is definitely a Google problem as I am using Microsoft Edge and I am able to comment on everyone's blogs so I am now a happy bunny, have a lovely day
    Lorraine x

  9. A gorgeous card Julie. The embossing and butterfly are wonderful.
    Sorry I haven't been around for a while - life gets in the way - but I've just had a look at your recent makes. All are fabulous xxx

  10. Hi Julie, what a gorgeous card!! Thanks for all the kind comments you left for me, you are so sweet. It's been a long couple of months but I'm mostly settled in now so I've finally time to visit some of my favourite blogs. See you again soon, hugs :)

  11. Awesome! Brilliant card, love the design.

  12. Lovely card Julie and a great challenge xx
