Thursday 11 September 2014

Catons 1st Birthday

Hello all it's not such a nice day here it feels very chilly out there so I am not venturing far today, yesterday was Catons 1st Birthday I just can't believe where that year has gone, he had a party for his little friends at lunchtime and then family late afternoon, he really enjoyed himself and I think tired himself out too.

This was Caton a year ago.

This is him now enjoying the wrapping paper.

This is the card I made for him Beatrix Potter Benjamin Bunny

The Challenges I would like to enter my card into are:-

Craft-Dee-Bowz - Anything Goes With Handmade Bow.
Crafting From The Heart - Anything Goes.
Dream Valley Challenges - No Stamps Allowed

Thank you all for stopping by and having the time to leave a message.

Hugs Julie xxxxx


  1. Fabulous birthday card! Love the design and colors. Caton is a lucky little guy to get this card! Thanks for joining the Craft-Dee BowZ September Challenge.

  2. Such a quick year turning Julie. He looks fabulous. Such a great card, something to be treasured.

  3. Beautiful card, lovely images, and such sweet pictures of the baby.
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  4. My goodness, that year has gone so quickly! I am pleased Caton had a good birthday. The card you made for him is gorgeous, such a cute image and fantastic design.
    hugs Sue xx

  5. I love the card you made for Caton, such a cute image and fabulous colours and papers.
    I'm so pleased that Caton had a lovely birthday - he looks so sweet.

  6. Happy Birthday to Caton Julie and my hasn't he come on, what a cutie!! A wonderful card just perfect for a First Birthday!! Susan x

  7. Good to see you back - and my, hasn't Caton grown up quick. I can't believe it was a year ago now and he certainly appears to be liking the paper! You must be so proud of him. A great card for his birthday - he looks as though he is thinking "I wonder if I can eat that". So pleased to see him coming on so well.
    Elaine xx

  8. Wow so creative and lovely, love all the dimension on your card, fabulous design!
