Tuesday 5 November 2013


Morning all hope you had a good weekend, it was very wet and windy here, not nice at all.
This is my second post today, please scroll down for my 1st post.

Today I am sharing a Christmas card with you that I have made over the weekend, I have done one of  Linda Hill's tutorials creating the night sky, It is my first attempted  and I am really pleased with it.

I have used one of the new Die'ire Die's from Crafters Companion along with the Ivy and Snowflake dies, papers are from the Snowman and Snowdog CD also the NOEL letter from the embellishment section, I have used core'dinations for matting and layering and blue ribbon, I absolutely loved making this card

I hope you like like it as much as I enjoyed making it.

The challenges I would like to enter my card into are:-

Winter Wonderland - Blue and White.
Sister Act Card Challenge - Anything Goes.
Crafters Companion - Christmas / Winter.

Thank you for stopping by.

Hugs Julie xxxxxxx


  1. Gorgeous Christmas card Julie, I like the sweet snowman image and the bow.
    Kevin xx

  2. This is gorgeous!!! I love the design... the colors.. those snowflake dies!! I NEED THEM!!! I have die envy!!! Must .. Shop!! LOL Awesome awesome card!! Love it!!

    - Susan
    {Scrap A Thousand Words}
    {Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges} *New Challenge Blog*

    ps... There is a DT Call over at Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges

  3. This is gorgeous Julie, I love the adorable image and beautiful detailing you have added in such pretty shades of blue
    hugs Sue xx

  4. This is a gorgeous Christmas card Julie, such pretty blues.

  5. Hi Julie, Stunning card l do like your snowman and that ribbon is gorgeous as are the snowflakes x

  6. gorgeous blue and white a perfect entry for our theme this week at the Winter Wonderland, thank you for joining us
    Hugs Kate xx
    PS I have candy if you are interested :)

  7. Gorgeous card, Love the snowman & fabulous snowflake... The ribbon is Beautiful... Hugs May x x x

  8. Gorgeous card Julie, love the scrummy details and ooh! what amazing colouring.

    Donna x

  9. Lovely card, those snowflake layers are beautiful

    Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog

    Happy Crafting!


    Bridie@BGPayne Crafts

  10. What an incredibly beautiful holiday card! I especially love the gorgeous snowflake in the corner. Thank you so much for joining this month's Crafter's Companion Holiday challenge.

  11. Another fabulous card, I love the snowman and the gorgeous snowflakes!

  12. Such a gorgeous card, thank you for joining us over at Crafters Companion
    Hugs Debbie

  13. Hi Julie ... in case you haven't seen it, this card has been picked as a redraw random winner at Winter Wonderland. Am guessing you'll only have this weekend to claim your prize as it was announced on Sunday.
    Helen x
