Monday 2 September 2013

Anything But A Card Challenge At Lexis Creations

Morning all hope you are all well, I am so sorry I haven't been around much this week, Jodie was rushed into hospital on Wed at only 30 weeks pregnant, with heavy bleeding and contractions, she is home now but it's possible it can happen again, so each day is a bonus for baby to get stronger and bigger, he or she is 2lb 15 at the moments, so we are keeping our fingers crossed .

Today is the start of a new Challenge at Lexis Creations, we are sponsored this week by Fairy Dust Crafts the winner can choose 5 digis of their choice.

The theme for this challenge is anything but a card, so I decided to do a door hanger and I have used my New Snowman and Snowdog collection, it had to be quick as I didn't have much time with everything that's happened, but I managed it.
I used one of the card blanks to cover the Door Hanger and I had some glitterations  silver circles to go around the whole, A topper from the kit, bow from my Die'sire dies and some snowflake blue ribbon, I also had some Marianne designs winter gems so I added a couple of snowflakes.

The Challenge I would like to enter my Door Hanger into are:-

Make It Monday - Anything Goes.
Pattie's Creations Design Challenge - Anything Goes ( Must always use an image).
Crafty Ribbons Challenge - Anything Goes, Must use Ribbon.

Thank you all for stopping by and leaving lovely comments.

Hugs Julie xxxxxx


  1. Love your door hanger

  2. A beautiful door hanger. Love the ribbon and sparkly touches.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  3. This is gorgeous Julie, I love the image and fabulous design
    Oh, sorry to hear about Jodie. I hope she is okay and that the baby stays safe.
    Take care
    hugs Sue xx

  4. Gorgeous door hanger Julie, I like the image and the ribbon
    Kevin xx

  5. a fabulous creation!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi xoxo

  6. Gorgeous hanger and image Julie.I saw this on MIM..Loz

  7. Gorgeous door hanger Julie, Perfect for Christmas...simply Beautiful... Hugs May x x x

  8. Beautiful door hanger Julie. All the best for Jodie and baby, its feet up and not to do anything for Jodie for a while now..Hugs Lozzy xx

  9. Beautiful Christmas door hanger Julie! Spotted it on MIM xx

  10. Wonderful creation Julie!

    Such a lovely image and beautifully embellished.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  11. Hi, lovely quick project, saw it on MIM! Ruby x

  12. This is a fabulous door hanger Julie, such an adorable image and I love your beautiful bow.
    I hope things improve for Jodie and that she can hang on for as long as possible.
    Take care.

  13. Spotted your lovely door hanger on MIM this week. Hugs Mrs A.

  14. Gorgeous as always Julie, love the sweet image & fab design.

    Donna x

  15. Oh, Julie, I hope Jodie and baby are okay!!

    Fab door hanger - something I keep meaning to make!

  16. Fabulous door hanger, love the image and that fab bow. Thanks for linking up with Make It Monday this week.
    Remember, to be in the running to win the prize from our sponsor this week just leave a comment for another entry. Be sure to mention you saw them on Make It Monday. The more entries you comment on the more chances you have of winning!

  17. I saw your gorgeous door hanger on MIM and had to take a closer look. It is beautiful.
    Love it.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  18. Hi Julie your door hanger is gorgeous! I love making Christmas things it makes me feel really excited!

    Love From Rebecca xx

  19. Such a beautiful door hanger .Great anything but a card project .
    love the image and the bling .

    Just popped in from kraftyhands to say HELLO .
    hugs Shirley-Anne

  20. Hi Julie just catching up! Fabulous door hanger what a brilliant idea! So sorry to read about Jodie I hope things are going ok and she is managing to hang on. Such a worrying time for you all. My niece was born 3 months prem less than 2 lbs - she is now 22! Susan xx

  21. Fabulous door hanger Julie, I too am playing catch up, read the last post first and was so glad all went OK, what a worry it must be! Thinking of you all!
