Thursday 27 June 2013

Help Please

Hello all hope your all having a good week, I am sorry I haven't been around much this week, I have not been well at all, hope to catch up with you all soon.

I just need some info if you can help, how do I link my card to a blog, and not link my blog.

Thank you in advance

Hugs Julie xxxx


  1. Hi Julie so sorry to hear you are still unwell, I hope you are going back to the GP. To link your card you can do it two ways either go to blogger dashboard click on posts then click on the one you want to link for example this one called 'Help Please', this will open up the post in a new window and just click on the address showing in your browser bar (at the top i.e. then when it is highlighted in blue right click it and click on copy. Go to where you want to put your card and right click then click paste. If it is for a challenge in Inlinkz sometimes another window pops up with all sorts of images from your blog just click on the one you want to enter. The other way is to just be on your blog find the post with the picture on and click on the title this will show the right address in the address bar and carry on as above. Its really easy hope I haven't made it sound complicated but if you need anymore help just e mail me! Sending get well hugs to you xxx

  2. Hi! Julie...go to your dashboard and click view blog...when that has loaded scroll down to your heading of your it and your blog will re-open onto that post...copy the http: thing at the top and then paste it on the challenge blog you want to enter..
    Hope this helps you..and hope you get well soon..take care.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Hi Julie, hope you felling better soon and hope you get linking just your post up soon..if still need help just shout..Hugs Lozzy xx

  4. Both above will take you to link your posts hope it works and hopefully you will be feeling better soon take care xx

  5. Aah sorry your are not well, hope you are starting to improve. I see you have some good advice on how to link your entry and not the whole blog so I will leave it to them:O)

  6. See now I read this really differently. I thought if you were asking if it was possible to just put your card on someone's blog, but not give them your blog information. See I told you it was hot, and clearly missy here isn't firing on all cylinders! What a good job the other folks aren't as fick as what I am, lol

    Lin xx
