Saturday 4 May 2013


Morning all hope you weekend has started off well, we have the Grandchildren today, it's not very nice here what a disappointment after the gorgeous days we've had.

My card today is from Party Paws Bamboo card making kit, I love this little felow he's so cute.

Thank you all for stopping by and leaving me lovely comments, I love to read them all., have a lovely weekend and hope the weather is good for everyone.

Hugs Julie xxxxx


  1. This is a pretty card Julie, such an adorable image and lovely design.
    Have a lovely day with your Grandchildren, I hope the weather brightens up for you.

  2. Gorgeous card Julie, love the image and the doily! Have fun with your grandchildren, I think its just trying to brighten up here! Going to a BBQ at my daughter's in a bit so fingers crossed! Hugs Susan x

  3. Hi Julie, Oh your card is just so pretty beautifully presented and gorgeous colours too! enjoy your holiday weekend x

  4. Gorgeous card Julie. I love the cute image and wonderful detailing
    hugs Sue xx

  5. This is so cute, love Bamboo. Have fun

  6. So adorable, I love sweet image and the doily and butterfly are beautiful
    Lindsay xx

  7. ooh so sweet and so cute!! x carol

  8. Adorable. Love how you incorporated the doily onto the card. Great, great card. Thanks so much for playing along with us in The Sisterhood of Crafters.
