Wednesday 20 February 2013

In the Garden

Hello all hope you are well and this week is being good to you, halfway through the week already,the weekend will soon be here.
I went back to the Drs yesterday, I now have different antibiotics and a ten day course of steroids so lets hope these work, It doesn't give much confidence when the Drs ill herself and she's been poorly for over three weeks does it, Lol.
I am sharing another Angelica and Friends card I made last week, I am loving this collection, the image papers and embellishments are all from the CD, in the card companions section, they are brilliant for quick cards which I seem to have done a lot lately, my mind is terrible for remembering birthdays.
Thank you all for stopping by

Hugs Julie xxx


  1. STUNNING and GORGEOUS Julie, You are so clever, love the design and lay out FABULOUS, I do hope you start to feel better. Poor you. Sending hugs and kisses xxxxxx

  2. So pretty Julie! Such a gorgeous image and colour scheme.

    Hope this lot of medication works for you!

  3. Lovely card Julie - super mix of colours. I'm intrigued by the roses - are they rolled, or are they a 2D print from the CD which you've fussy cut? Either way they look totally fab!
    Poor you being on another course of meds. I feel like I'm coming down with either the same bug again or another cold! It can jolly well "hop off" 'cos I'm fed up of them now - bet you are too?
    Take care,
    Helen xxx

  4. So pretty is your card and the layout is lovely, gorgeous coloured papers and beautifully coloured image too x

  5. Gorgeous card Julie, Love the colours & cute image.. I do hope this lot of antibiotics will do the trick... wishing you better! Hugs May x x x

  6. Gorgeous card Julie. I love the image and beautiful colour scheme.
    I do hope your medication starts to help you and you feel better soon.
    hugs Sue

  7. So, so pretty Julie! I think I'm gonna be tempted to buy some of those images when my stash ban is up!Fingers crossed the new meds will kick in & you'll soon be feeling lots better!
    Hugs Jo x

  8. Beautiful card Julie.
    Gemma xx

  9. This is really pretty Julie! Gorgeous colours. I do hope your new meds work soon! x

  10. A beautiful card....gorgeous image and

  11. Beautiful card, love your choice of colours and the beautiful image. The roses are wonderful! Hope the new meds help!
