Saturday 5 January 2013

Just for you

Hello all hope you weekend is going well so far, I made a card yesterday using my Popcorn Bear cd, I haven't used him for a while, so it was about time.
I have used a 6 inch card blank, core-ordinations and Popcorn cd available from Crafters Companion.

I printed off backing papers and decoupage image, matted and layered them onto the Core-dinations card stock, some little flowers from my stash and a metal embellishment using my Epiphany tool from Crafters Companion.
 The Challenge I would like to enter my card into is :-

Make It Monday - Anything Goes.

Thank you for stopping by, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Hugs Julie xxxx


  1. This is gorgeous Julie. I love the cute bear with those fabulous matching papers and beautiful detailing

    Hugs Sue

  2. Such a lovely bear image, and the papers coordinate perfectly with the image! I spotted your sweet card on MIM.

  3. Oh! Julie, this is so beautiful. I love Popcorn and the design & details are gorgeous.

    Donna x

  4. What a delight Julie! Love the decoupaged bear he is a real sweetie and your layout and papers are spot on! Hugs Susan x

  5. So sweet! Gorgeous card Julie, the decoupage looks fab!
    Hugs Jo x

  6. Oh this is such an 'aaaaah' card, love the bear and the fab papers, excellent card!
