Thursday 28 June 2012

My First 2 Christmas cards

Hello all hope you are all well, so far it's been a not to bad day although we haven't got the sun we had this morning.
Would you believe it I have made TWO Christmas cards, now this isn't like me is it, leave everything to the last minute, but I received all my Christmas goodies this week that Nigel May brought out last week, they are gorgeous, there is so much on the Cds and fab stamps and card kits, well I had to have a play didn't I!!!
So without ado here they are

I loved every minute of it, they are both from the Cds, I printed one of the topper for the poinsettia and cut around it for an embellishment,
I am going to play with the card kits now, there's no stopping me now, lol.

Enjoy the rest of your day, hello to my new follower thank you for joining me.

Thank you for stopping by.

Hugs Julie x


  1. Hello Julie. Oh how fabulous. Great cards, and lovely colours and designs too.
    It's great fun when you recieve something new isn't it. Have fun sweetie.
    With love, Sandra xxx

  2. Gorgeous cards Julie,love them

  3. Both Christmas cards are beautiful Julie, I like the decoupage and the design of the first card.
    Kevin xx

  4. They are both gorgeous, well done for making a start. Love the shape of the first one.

  5. Fantastic Julie, love them. the CD is fab I love it :O)

    Thank you for the lovely comments you leave on my blog much appreciated

    Ali x

  6. Julie, Well done you can tick these two of your Truly they are lovely and the cd is amazing from what l have seen so far:)x

  7. Two lovely cards. They are very festive, great colours. You are very organised to have two Christmas cards already completed

  8. These are both gorgeous and elegant cards, I love the fold on the first one
    Lindsay xx

  9. Nice work Julie and good for you getting stuck into the Christmas cards!

    Wendy -x-

  10. Beautiful christmas cards Julie.. its never to early to make a start on these... Lovely!! Hugs May x x x x

  11. Wow, these are totally fabulous, they look like they must have taken forever to make, but apparently not. They are both very beautiful Julie! hugs

  12. Wow Julie they are fabulous, I love the top one its a fab shapetoo, and I am a decoupage fan .
    Fantastic work , only ......100's more to go !!.
    I made my first one the other week , must get my others done or I will be panicking in December. Enjoy the rest of your weekend
    Hugs Elaine

  13. Beautiful cards!! These are gorgeous Julie!! Beautiful colors!! Gloria

    Visit my blog. I would love more followers.

  14. Oh no, the 'C' word. Having ordered 'All wrapped up' POW from C&C I was toying with the idea of starting Christmas cards, having seen yours I'm inspired at bit more! They are lovely, especially like the first card. x

  15. These cards are great Julie. The colours are so nice and soft although they are still along the lines of the traditional Christmas colours.
    Hugs, Heike xx
