Thursday 14 June 2012

Four Seasons

Hello All well Thursday already this week has thrown by.
The last three days I have been trying to do Fathers Day cards, oh my how hard can it be I have really struggled, couldn't decide what to do My Step-Dad-in-law doesn't like cute but that's ok  i have plenty of traditional too, but could I find something I was happy with, NO! I think my mojo got up and went off somewhere hope it comes back soon.
Anyway I have made this card from Dennis Lewan's Four Seasons Cd, to be honest I'm not sure even now if I like it, but it's going to have to do I'm sure he will like it. I've got another two to make, 1 for Grandad from Jodie and I have to do my Dads but he doesn't mind cute so that's good. I have only got tonight and tomorrow as we are going to collect Step Dad from Leicester on Saturday to bring him down for a weeks holiday, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can get them done, and in  between do shopping cleaning and all the usual. anyway I'm not going to think about it it makes my head hurt.
So without further ado here it is.

The Challenges I would like to enter my card into are:-

All That Scrap - Anything Goes.
Crafting For All Seasons - For Men.
Fab and Funky Challenge - Fathers Day.

Thank you for stopping by have a good evening.

Hugs Julie xxx


  1. Hello Julie. ~This is so nice and such a wonderful scene. I am sure that he will love it. Happy crafting my friend. Hope you are keeping well.
    Love Sandra xxx

  2. This is gorgeous Julie,love the gorgeous

  3. Wow, Julie, what a gorgeous scene....wish i was there!
    Hugs Jo x

  4. I think it is a winner, I'm sure your step dad will too. I hate it when nothing seems to please me and I drive myself nuts trying to make something work:O) I think you did more than fine, the scene is beautiful!

  5. Fab card! Beautiful scene! Many thanks for joining us at Fab'n'Funky this week and hope to see you again next week! judit x

  6. This is fabulous Julie, l know what you mean Julie men cards can take for forever but you have done a fabulous job on this one its gorgeous:)x

  7. I think its perfect Julie. What a lovely scene I'm sure your step dad in law will love it! Hugs Susan x
