Thursday 26 April 2012

Create and Craft 9th Birthday

Hello all hope you are having a good day, I am doing a bit of this and that,can't seem to concentrate I had some sad news last night my work colleague passed away, she had cancer, she was a very brave lady and always put others before herself, she will be sadly missed.

I thought I would share with you my Birthday card I sent into Create and Craft for their Birthday card competition, It's from one of my favorite Characters Beatrix Potter.
I have used an 8 x 8 blank card the papers decoupage are all from Beatrix Potter Cd available from Crafters Companion the flowers are from Wild orchid Crafts. The Ribbon and Epiphany Charm Embellishment are also from Crafters Companion.

The Challenges I would like to enter my card into are .

Cooking It Up With Katy - Green Gorgeous Garden.
Divas By Design - Buttons/Bows.
My Mums Craft Shop - The Great Outdoors.

Thank you for stopping by, enjoy the rest of your day.
Hugs Julie xxx


  1. Hello Julie. Your card is gorgeous and I am sure they will love it at Create and Craft.
    I am so sorry to hear of your colleagues loss, its such awful news isnt it.
    Thinking of you sweetie.
    Lots of love, Sandra xxx

  2. Hi Julie, oh this is stunning:)x

  3. Another gorgeous card, Julie, your images are lovely and you show them off so well, they always look so pretty!So sorry to hear of the loss of your colleague, thinking of you.
    Hugs Jo x

  4. Another lovely BP card from you Julie its just lovely. So sorry to hear about the loss of your work colleague xx

  5. Hi Julie, so sorry to hear the loss of your colleague - such a terrible disease. Thoughts go out to you & family concerned.

    Another lovely creation from you. Gorgeous image & papers.. I love Beatrix Potter & have a 3 disc set waiting to be played around with more!

    Looking forward to seeing your next creation!

    Take care,

    Mandy :)

  6. What a fabulous card Julie ,well done
    Mandy I am so sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you honey.
    Hugs Elaine

  7. That should have read Julie I am sorry for your loss, I looked at the comment above as I was writing.....its old age .....

  8. Sorry to hear your sad news Julie,big hugs to you.....Fabulous card again,great design...Have a lovely weekend....
    Mandy x

  9. Really gorgeous, I love the layout, the flowers and bow look gorgeous and of course the beatrix potter decoupage looks fba. Hope you have a lovely weekend
    Lindsay xx

  10. I forgot to say sorry for your loss sweetie
    Lindsay xx

  11. That is one fabulous Birthday Card, wow, such lovely detail and colouring! Wonderful layout too!

  12. So sorry to hear you have had such sad news.

    Your card is lovely...wonderful layout. Saw you on MIM.

  13. Beautiful card Julie, sorry about the loss of a friend, remember the goods fun times Hun, at last she is at piece and pain free
    Big Hugs
