Tuesday 13 March 2012


Hello all I am still here, not been on much as still not well, but thought I would do a post today.
The weather is awful today very damp and misty, I have been trying to my Mother's Day cards done with not much success so far.
There have been some gorgeous cards in blog land recently, lots of inspiration when your in need of some, like me!!.
I went mad the other day and bought some of the gorgeous Boofle, he's so cute, and I love the little poem of how he was born, if I can find it I will put on the end of my post.
I made a DL card out of Centura Pearl from Crafters Companion, I have matted and layered with some mirri card and papers from the Boofle paper pack. I chose the decoupage Birthday that is ideal for the DL size card.

The Challenges I would like to enter my card into are:-
Make It Monday - Anything Goes.
Creative Mondays - Anything Goes .
Crafting When We Can- Animals.

Here is the Boofle Poem
Grandads wooly cardy had seen better days, It was still soft and cosy and a little bit frayed.
There were holes in the elbows and just one button remained, but, from this, Nanny was sure something else could be made.
So she started to sew on that cold winters night, and Boofle was born, much to the children's delight.
Boofle was all that a snugglesome pup should be loveable and cuddly and a best friend to you and me.

Hugs Julie x


  1. Fabulous card Hon, sorry to hear you're not well either, right pain isn't it, at least we have wonderful weather here, been sat next to the open window in the sun today, get well soon xx

  2. I had a throat and ear infection start 4 weeks ago which affected balance, then managed to get Pleuresy for the past 2 weeks, on my 2nd lot antibiotics, chest pains are easing a little at last, times like this being in a wheelchair is useful, at least I can't fall over from the lack of balance !! - ain't life great, Yep I am lucky to have the sunshine through my window in the afternoons, it's just going round off the window now, so it's chilling off quickly, we have a forecast of lovely weather for 3 or 4 days now, pity I can't email you some sunshine, mind you the ferry to France is not far, pop over for a day or two !!.

  3. Hi Julie - sorry to hear you're still feeling rough. I LOVE Boofle and your card is just perfect! Take care hon, and hopefully we'll get some brighter weather soon. Helen x

  4. Hi Julie, so sorry to hear you're still feeling poorly.Your card is gorgeous, Boofle looks so sweet and the poem is lovely.
    Take care
    Jo x

  5. Beautiful card Also sorry to hear your not well, hopefully you will get better soon..........take care:)x

  6. Julie, sorry you are still not feeling your best, bummer! Love your Birthday card with the little bear and the big letters! Take care of yourself you hear!

  7. Oh this is so cute! Absolutely love it! Saw this at MIM!
    Nat -x-

  8. Love the image. The colors are so soft and sweet. Thank you for sharing on MIM.

  9. What a great card...nice to see a different shape too! Thanks for joining us at Crafting When We Can. Janet. DT

  10. He is sooooo cute :-) hope you feel a bit better today. x

  11. Julie, I don't have time to comment on all the lovely things I missed recently but this one caught my eye! Boofle is so cute and this design is gorgeous.

    By now hope you are so much better!

    Lin xx
