Sunday 12 February 2012

Nominations For Liebster Award

Hello all hope your having a good weekend.

Well I have been searching to see who I could find who I thought should receive the Liebster Award, there are so many talented people out there, I found it difficult who to choose.
I have gone for people who inspire me,and who have less than 200 follower's, creations that they make are stunning and I feel they deserve this award, so without further ado this is my selection
Lynn -
Pam -
Karen -
Laurence -
Rachel -

I think you will agree creations my nominees have created deserve this award.


Please follow the guidelines below when accepting your Liebster Blog Award.
Congratulations to you all you well deserve this award.
When one accepts the award they agree to:

Thank the person who gave them the award and link back to their blog.

Copy and paste the award to their blog ( I linked mine to the one that gave it to me)

Reveal the next 5 blogs they have chosen to receive the award commenting on their blog to break the happy news.

And Lastly, hope the artists nominated  will do the above to keep the award going by accepting and awarding 'The Liebster Award' to 5 special blogger's that they would like to honour 

Hugs Julie x


  1. Well done to all your nominees ... each and every one of them deserve the award! Helen x

  2. Wow thanks Julie what a lovely surprise

    Hugs Pam xxx

  3. Congrats to all the lovely ladies on getting this award,so well deserved...
    Mandy x

  4. Congratulations ladies:) Sandra H

  5. Awe, Thank you so much Julie. What a lovely surprise.


    Lynn X X X X

  6. I couldn't resist, but I think you deserve a little surprise too.

    Please head on over to My Blog to see your surprise. (I bet you can't guess what it is, lol) :)

    Happy Crafting!!! X X

  7. congrats on getting the Liebster blog award hun and congrats to all the people nominated
    Lindsay xx
